

Hello! Here’s a Recap of important things:

2017-2020: Throughout iO Chicago’s improv program, I worked on characters, organic improv openers, the basics of saying "yes, and...", organic games, the Harold form, other long-form structures, and grounded scene work. Up until the pandemic temporarily closed the theatre, I was taking classes over at The Annoyance Theatre! We worked on making strong emotional choices, making bold character choices, and diving deeper into what we’ve created. I got to put all of these skills into action during performances with my improv teams John Claude Van Gogh and Sonic Screwdriver. I feel like a more confident performer because of this training as well as a more confident writer. Every day, I am taught something new in improv: about life, art, and about people.

I also took an Advanced Scene Study class at Acting Studio Chicago with Kurt Naebig. I got to explore the 12 guideposts of acting through three different scenes. I worked to make strong choices, be truthful, and bring myself to every audition and every character.

I was hired on as permanent House Staff at Blue Man Group Chicago in March 2019, but like most theatres, Blue Man Group had to close temporarily due to the pandemic. I will forever be grateful for my time learning there.

In 2017-2018, I produced, wrote, and created my first full-length web series, Scratch That!, which has 12 episodes on YouTube. Go watch, like, comment, and subscribe, please! I started a re-brand of the channel to be my production company, Scratch That! Entertainment, a channel for short films and web series. Speaking of web series, we finished filming our second series, Bottled Up, in September of 2018 and had a friend and family cast and crew viewing party on September 8th, 2019 at The Second City! Afterward, we went back in post trying to tweak the coloring and audio for festivals and distribution. We participated in 5 film festivals, and won 2 awards for “Best Web Series” and “Best English Web Series”! We are currently looking for distribution. We want it to be the right fit for us, and the pandemic slowed us down. The banner for it is above if you are interested!

2021-2022: Starting in 2021, I decided to make use of my time and complete a Business Essentials Certificate Program at Northwestern University. I graduated from the program in December 2021 and started my MBA at the University of Mississippi in January 2022.

I also have had the pleasure of working on multiple technical theatre contracts at New Stage Theatre in Jackson, MS in 2021-2022. My positions have been light board operator, run crew, assistant stage manager, assistant director, properties designer, covid safety manager, and head deck.

Here are the social media pages and the YouTube channel link for Scratch That! and for Bottled Up. Follow us!

Twitter: scratch_thatweb

Facebook: Bottled Up series

Instagram: bottledup_series

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgwmgW4CnMYSouyW7BE9bwg/featured